Who am I? Is a series from my freshman year where I took four photos of a diverse selection of people. Each person with the same brown paper bag over their heads with the words written “Who am I?” on the front of each bag. I chose to have no clothing on the models because I did not want any distinctive items singling any of them out. The theme because during this time of my life and my peers’ life it is a constant question of who I really am. And in this way we are all similar showing a sort of unity.
Charcoal & Conte - 3ft x 1.5 ft ea.
This piece is apart of a series of two connected to “Who am I?”, centered of the ideal that a man is more privileged than a female. In this work I have a female who is in a shy position compared to the man who is confident. Also, the bag then represents her face letting her see but with a black x over her mouth to represent her limits. The man can see and speak, with his x ripped open showing his dominance.
Charcoal & Conte - 4ft x 2.5ft ea.
“John-John”, apart of a very important series to me. That is all about you and who you are what you have to say and how loud it is. Communicating this I used sheet music with watercolor making it louder than the black and white. This one I made extremely loud and colorful because of the loud message that “John-John” represents. I cut the sheet music up and drew each image separately. Then putting them all together as one.
Charcoal & Watercolor - 3ft x 1.5 ft